Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bernini and Caravaggio to Beautiful Agony - Petite Mort

In my experience, I find that when someone (this might be shocking to some) orgasms, the physical response as well as facial expression demonstrates this combined paradox of showing sexual pleasure and also conversely, resembling death. Perhaps its too easy to use this closeness of those emotions, but it works nonetheless. Many filmmakers and artists exploit this value of the petite mort (little death says it all), often in a glaringly blatant way, for example in the Matrix Reloaded, Neo sees his lady love orgasm then has a "vision" of her dying with an identical facial expression. 
For those who would like to "research," there is a website that actually records examples of people experiencing a petite mort. Called Beautiful Agony, I think some of it may not be free, but having just looked over it, an alarming amount of the participants look to be in large amounts of pain. 

This photo entitled Orgasm by Spinmenson on, perfectly shows this painful ecstasy. 

I know. This post makes me feel kinda dirty. 

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