Monday, April 13, 2009

Love Letter to Albrecht Durer

Dear Albrecht (or Furry Jesus, teehee!)

I've loved you for so long. Ever since childhood I've dreamt of running my hands over your soft coat, with fur lining and touching those twisted, curly locks of yours. Perhaps your beard and moustache are touchable as well! Your eyes captivate me! I don't care about you having a wife - I must have you! Paint me, I'll be your model! Engrave my image, sketch, whatever the means! If it would bring us closer, I would do it in an instant! this painting you are a tad old for me. I mean 9 years is quite a difference and I'm just rounding up since I haven't even reached my twentieth year! Well, I mean, if you were Jesus, you would be the most materialistic Jesus I ever met (can't say I've met any, though)! All these trappings and fur! Are you being sacrilegious or do you think you are some hot stuff? What rubbish! I don't want a man who fancies himself and his art more than any woman! How insufferable! You should be wooing me, not I you! Well then, just friends?



P.S. I still want to model for you!

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